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DKM releases the video of the XX Roma Women Student Gathering of Catalonia

Drom Kotar Mestipen releases the video of the XX Roma Women Student Gathering of Catalonia, which took place last 23rd of October in the Catalan city of Tarragona. The activity, organized by the Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen and hosted by the University Rovira and Virgili, gathered around 200 Roma women with the purpose of discussing education-related issues. The video shows some of the more important parts of the Gathering, such as the role model table, the main conference, or the working groups. DKM wants to thank all those who made this inspiring video possible.

Link to more information below:

RTransform National Gathering in Hungary

On 4 December 2021, the 1st Hungarian Roma Women’s Gathering took place in Pécsvárad, aiming to give women a safe space to talk about the burdens they face in their everyday lives. 

20 women and their children participated in the meeting. With their active engagement, we were able to close a dynamic and fruitful meeting.
Important issues were discussed , solutions sought and recommendations made for :
– The impact of online learning, 
– Conscious family planning, educational opportunities for children removed from  families 
– Housing subsidy critical systems .
These topics play an active role in their daily lives and are closely interlinked, so we provide a platform for experts on these topics to talk and try to find some solution to communicate to policy makers.