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Educational centres toolkit

The Toolkit for Schools is a material designed for teachers, managers, volunteers and families in schools across Europe. This document, which is one of the results of the RTransform project, is composed of several elements:

  1. Roma Women Student Gatherings Guide
  2. Desk research on the situation of Roma women at local level.
  3. National and European Gathering reports
  4. Final Conference Report
  5. Videobook of the Meetings of Roma Students.

The Educational centres toolkit is an awareness material to be used in educational centres. The toolkit it’s was used during the educational workshops held at a national level, and it has been made with the aim to increase the awareness among educational staff about the need to ensure the universal access to quality education for the entire school body and to give them a useful and accurate tool that help them to translate the workshop into meaningful inclusive practices in their everyday environments. SEAs, collected in the INCLUD-ED research project, and endorsed by the EU are educational strategies that contribute to overcoming inequalities and promoting social cohesion. SEAs have universal components that have proven to be transferable in a wide variety of contexts and lead to good educational performance.