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Situation of Roma Women at a local level: Desk research

Taking as a reference the EU Roma Strategy and the information generated by the National Contact Points, the desk research will provide facts and figures of the situation of the Roma Women in relation to education at a local level.

In this sector, any interested party will find an overview of the partner carrying out the desk-based research in their country, highlighting their strengths and connections with the key stakeholders. Overall, the desk-based research highlights that cultural issues should be included in women’s empowerment and support the community’s pride in their origin. Through the implementation of women’s empowerment actions, there is an increase in their participation in the social life of the local community as well as in the educational environment. It is hoped that this desk-based resource will encourage the participation of those working with and alongside Roma women and girls in education across Europe, to create a new-found space for debate and positive action in the education sector.

Desk research is available in these language: EnglishCatalan, Spanish, HungarianGreekBulgarian