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National Gatherings' Reports

In this section, visitors will find information relevant to National Gatherings that have been implemented in various countries such as Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Spain. Visitors can read the Reports from RTransform project partners in different languages. Reports include steps of Gathering preparation, methodologies developed, conclusions, solutions, and further information. RTransform project supports Roma Women to transform the educational systems around Europe through their social and political mobilization.



The XXIII Roma Students Gathering of Catalonia took place at the Universitat Autonoma
de Barcelona (UAB) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, It was attended by (77) Roma women from the 7 municipalities of Catalonia and different neighborhoods of Barcelona, such as La Mina, Bon Pastor and San Cosme. The topic Center was: the Attention to special educational needs in the Roma Community. Theme chosen by women.
Read the full report available in the following language: English, Romano, Catalan and Spanish.

10th June 2023 in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria the 3rd Meeting of Roma Students took place with the following empowerment message: «Let’s find the power in ourselves! Let’s live with dignity». Elena Cherneva – Markova, Deputy Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, was a guest at the meeting, who, from the position of the Ombudsman Institution, reaffirmed the commitment to the problems of Roma women and support for achieving their equal place in society.
Read the full report available in the following language: English.

The 3rd Roma Women Students Gathering in Hungria, Budapest was carried out by the organization Amrita on the 19th of August 2023 under the title of «The results of the General Skills Assessment and its implications for our future» Read the full report available in the following language: English. 

During 2023, the Amrita Organization held a fourth Gathering under the title of  “What is needed for Roma women to succeed in school?” On the 25th of november in the Rácz Gyöngyi Community House Budapest  the participants discussed the experiences of the past 3 years, the issues raised and the results achieved, as well as the necessary steps for Roma women to succeed in school. Read the full report available in the following language: English. 

4th November 2023 in Tyrnavos, Greece, the 3rd Meeting of Roma Women took place.
Read the full report available in the following languages: 
Greek, English, Romano.

The 3rd Roma Women Students Gathering in Sheffield, UK, took place on 17th November 2023 in Sheffield City Hall, a building renowned for its history and architecture. It was a symbolic place for the women who felt welcomed as valued citizens by representatives of public bodies, NGOs, and other stakeholders of the City Council. 
Read the full report available in the following languages: English.


The RTransform project partner Αlternative Innovative Development publishes the report on the 2nd Roma Women Student Gathering of Greece, which took place on 27th January in the city of Thessaloniki. In this report, we explain all the details of this event, which brought together more than 60 Roma women from different cities of Greece to discuss education. Among other things, in the report, you will find photographs of the event and a summary of the conclusions reached by the women. You can read the report in EnglishGreek and Romano.

The RTransform project partner Drom Kotar Mestipen publishes the report on the XXI Roma Women Student Gathering of Catalonia, which took place on 28 May in the city of Amposta. In this report, we explain all the details of this event, which brought together more than 60 Roma women from different parts of the territory to discuss education. Among other things, in the report, you will find photographs of the event and a summary of the conclusions reached by the women. You can read the report in English, Romano, Spanish and Catalan. 

The II Roma Women Student Gathering in Bulgaria was carried out by the organization Center Amalipe on the 20th of October 2022. This time, the hosting institution was Veliko Turnovo University, and the Gathering took place on the main building of the University, under the title of “Girls with dreams: Let’s turn the page. Read the full report available in the following language: English and Bulgarian.

Amarita OBK Association  promoted the organization of the II Roma Women Student Gathering, which took place on the 15th of July 2022. The meeting was held at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, and 20 participants had the chance to visit the building and meet some of the students. The topic of the Gathering was “The impact of the war in Ukraine and its consequences on our daily lives and access to services”   Read the full report available in the following languages: English, Hungarian. 


On the 3rd of December for the second time, over 40 Roma families gathered in Sheffield, UK at Fir Vale Secondary School located in the heart of the community, to discuss education evidenced-based examples and to dream together for a brighter future. Read the full report available in the following language: English


Project partner Alternative Innovative Development (AID) has recently published its National Gathering Report in Greek, English and Romano language!

The National Gathering Report includes a description of the preparatory phase devoted to the organization and the coordination of the Gathering, the meetings that all involved members implemented before the date of the Gathering, the discussed action points as well as the main topics that covered the day of the Gathering, its program, the activities, the impact, and the main conclusions.

The National Gathering Report sheds light on the obstacles, the benefits, and the motives that Roma women shared and discussed during the Gathering, whereas the key points of the conclusions are presented within the document.

Project partner AMALIPE Center has also published its National Gathering Report from the 1st Gathering in Bulgaria, both in English and Bulgarian language!

Read the Report and find out more about the key conclusion points.

Their future actions include: 

    • Prevention of early marriages

    • Support for continuing education

    • Support for Roma women victims of domestic violence (awareness raising)

    • Motivation for personal development

The RTransform project partner AMRITA has also published its National Gathering Report both in English and Hungarian, Romano language!

Read the Report and find more about the overall preparation of the Gathering, its conclusions, and the proposed solutions.

On the 3rd of December for the second time, over 40 Roma families gathered in Sheffield, UK at Fir Vale Secondary School located in the heart of the community, to discuss education evidenced-based examples and to dream together for a brighter future. Read the full report available in the following language: English

The RTransform project partner Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen from Spain has published its National Gathering Report in the English, Spanish, Catalan as well as in Romano.

The document includes all the points and topics that were discussed in the working groups, which reflect the demands and aspirations of the women who participated in the activity. For more information, please read the Report.

RTransform project partners ensure that all the developed materials are accessible and relatable to anyone interested in the project’s activities. Project partners call the general public to follow the RTransform project online and connect on Twitter and Facebook to learn more about the project’s actions and activities.

After each RWSG, a document will be drafted to evaluate the activity, including the impact and conclusions of each RWSG.