Faithstar and Sheffield University Receive RTransform Workshop on April 2022

Rosa Cisneros (Coventry University) and Terezia Rostas (CYFP) delivered the RTranform Workshop on April 26th, 2022. The two met with the University of Sheffield staff and Faithstar team to support the education and teacher’s manual being developed that aims to discuss education and diversify sex education materials. Evie Muir from Sheffield University is tasked to create resources for teachers around Sex and Relationships, informed by parents of faith and culture. The research team reached out to Cisneros and Rostas to learn more about the RTransform project and the workshops.
In late April the online workshop was delivered to members of the research and teaching team and in Mid-May, the group will reunite to carry out an in-person workshop with grassroots Roma women from Sheffield, UK, where the National Coordination Committee including Lucia Mohamad will be present.