IV Roma Students Gathering of Catalonia

The 4th Meeting of Roma Students in Catalonia for the RTransform Project took place on 10 June 2023 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), located in Bellaterra, Barcelona. The meeting was attended by 77 Roma women from the municipalities of Amposta and Tortosa (Tarragona), Salt, Font de la Pólvora, Figueres, (Girona), Gavá, Badalona (Barcelona), and from different neighbourhoods of Barcelona, such as La Mina, Bon Pastor and San Cosme.
The inaugural table was hosted by the rector of the Autonomous University, Javier Lafuente, and the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Margarita Freixas. In the company of members of the Drom Kotar Mestipen Assembly.
The conference was given by Silvia Molina, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Rovira i Virgili who was the speaker on the topic: Special educational needs in the Roma community: barriers to inclusion and learning. Actions to overcome them. Topic previously chosen by the Roma women.